K-6 Curriculum: Elementary
This curriculum provides a rigorous, engaging, and well-rounded educational experience that prepares students for the IB Middle Years Program and beyond. Key features include:
Inquiry-Based Learning:
Modeled after International Baccalaureate (IB) principles, fostering curiosity and critical thinking.
Students explore essential questions about the world through active, hands-on learning.
Example: Grade 5 Environmental Action Plans—students researched local environmental issues, developed solutions, and presented their findings to community leaders.
Opportunities for Enrichment:
Accelerated math classes for grades 4 and up.
Academic Enrichment classes for grades 3 and up.
Intensive instrumental program for grades 4 and up.
All core subjects offer students the opportunity for enrichment assignments in all grades.
Cross-Curricular Approach:
Skills introduced in one subject are reinforced in another.
Example: Historical periods studied in humanities are complemented by related literature in ELA.
Differentiated Instruction:
Small class sizes (25 students) with a co-teacher for some subjects.
Small group instruction tailored to meet the needs of students at various levels.

Core Academic Subjects
School Lane Charter School’s Elementary academic program boasts a rigorous curriculum that aligns with the PA Core Standards of Learning.
English Language Arts (ELA): Students develop strong reading and writing skills through evidence-based practices following a structured literacy program.
Mathematics: Math instruction emphasizes understanding concepts through building fluency, problem-solving and real-world applications.
Humanities (Social Studies): History, geography, and civics are taught with hands-on projects and connections to literature and science.
Science: Students explore scientific concepts through hands-on experiments and community-focused projects.
STEM: Students solve practical problems through interdisciplinary projects that foster critical thinking.
The Arts: Creativity is encouraged through visual and performing arts integrated with core subjects.
World Languages: Students study a variety of cultures and languages from around the world to build a foundation for understanding how language works before intensively studying Spanish beginning in 6th grade
PE/Health: Students are physically active, learn the power of teamwork, and understand how their body works and what they can do to stay healthy.
Signature Events and Projects
At School Lane, students engage in unique, hands-on projects that bring learning to life through real-world applications.
Honoring Holidays: Students engage in meaningful and celebratory activities for many holidays to learn about different cultures and historical events. Examples include: Constitution Day, Rosh Hashanah, Eid, Christmas, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, etc.
Exhibitions: Twice a year students prepare presentations for family members to come into school and see the work they have created. Students learn how to prepare oral presentations and work collaboratively with peers on group project presentations.
What Sets School Lane Apart?
Students are curious and explore the world through engaging, real-life application that makes learning meaningful and enjoyable
All students get what they need at School Lane. Students set individual goals and work hard to reach them. We find students strengths and offer programming that meets them where they are and builds on those strengths quickly.International Mindedness:
Students get hands-on experiences where they learn all about their local, national, and global community throughout all the subjects.