What is SAP?

SAP, which stands for Student Assistance Program, is a process to identify and support students who are having sudden academic struggles that are not a result of a learning disability, but rather you suspect it is because of something that is happening outside of the education process.  The academic struggles could be a result of a mental health problem, recent changes in the family, a traumatic event, a new medical issue, etc. Once a student is in the SAP process, the team works to provide interventions and resources for the student/family, both in and out of school to ensure academic progress.

What warrants a referral to SAP?

A student should be referred to SAP when he/she has a new struggle in academics or has been slowly declining in academics over some time, and you believe it is not related to a learning disability.  If you are not sure if it is a learning disability or some other issue, it is okay to refer the child to SAP as well as put them through the Special Education process – some students may be in both processes simultaneously until the root issue can be found. 

What qualifies as an academic struggle?

You should see a new pattern of struggle in academics than you had previously.  Examples can vary such as: not completing work as consistently, a drop in comprehension level, a new inability to perform on tests, etc. These new struggles can be sudden, or a slow decline. It could be for a high achieving or low achieving student – the most important point is that it is a change in the type of academic struggle than previously seen.

What if a child is doing fine academically but has new behavior issues?

This should be referred to the counselor or the Vice Principal to find ways to support the student.  It is not a SAP referral unless it affects the child’s academics.

What happens when a student is referred to SAP?

The counselor will review all SAP referrals that week for the upcoming meeting.  If the counselor needs any clarity on the student and his/her issues, the counselor will follow up with the teacher before the SAP meeting to discuss.  At the SAP meeting, the SAP team (admin, counselor, nurse) will meet to discuss the student.  The team will decide what type of support the student needs – this could be in-school supports like counseling sessions or a behavior plan, outside resources to link the family to like grief counseling or psychological consultations, or the team could decide to observe and gather more data before taking any action.  A follow up date to discuss the child will be set and the action steps for supporting that student/family will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox.  One SAP team member will be designated as the Case Manager for that child to keep communication open until the next follow up date and ensure all supports are put in place.  Periodically, that student will be revisited in SAP meeting and a decision will be made to continue the supports, put new supports in place, or to exit the child from SAP.  Each time the child is discussed at SAP, notes will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox to keep him/her aware of what actions are being taken.

Please use this link for referrals: